It’s not an easy job to travel and look beautiful at the same time. Some travels or journeys leave a lot of impact on the hair as well as skin. While traveling, most of us tend to skip the hair care and skin care. We might not realize it then, but later it leads to breakouts and several skin care issues.
While traveling it is important that your hair and skin care is given some extra love and attention. Excessive traveling can lead to rough, dry and breakouts in the skin. Do not stress over it, we have listed down some of the ways in which you can take care of your hair and skin.
Make sure that you cleanse your face properly and apply moisturizer before you start for the trip. This will help you hydrate your skin well. Also ensure that your face is cleaned properly before the exposure of the dust. Ensure that you are not trying any new products on your skin, before you start traveling. Experimentation of new products can lead to breakouts.
For hair, make sure you oil them a night before your trip. This will prevent your scalp from getting dry. This is the best practice one can have if they are planning to go into a swimming pool or beaches. This will act as a shield between the chlorine water and your beautiful hair.
If you are someone who is traveling and planning to wash hair, do it a day prior. Washing your hair a day prior will help your hair dry naturally . If you are someone who is planning to wash their hair on the same day of traveling, then you might end up collecting all the dust particles on you. So, it is highly advisable that you wash your hair a day before traveling starts. If you are someone who loves washing their hair frequently, do carry hair serums which would lock the moisture.
Sun rays can damage your hair and make them look dry and rough. Always carry a scarf or a hat while traveling. This will help you protect your hair from the sun rays. Another option is that you apply some hair protection cream and ensure that it is not getting overheated.
When you are on a vacation, try to have minimal makeup. Also, try not to style your hair much. Your skin and hair are already adapting to the new change of environment, use of too much chemicals can make the skin dry. Less chemicals can help your skin feel healthy.
Go with easy hairstyles, keeping them open can harm your hair. There are also chances that they might break a lot. So it’s advisable that you make a bun or make braids while you are on a trip. The main ideology behind this is to protect it from dust and sun.
Mineral sunscreen is cream used for protecting the skin from UV rays. Depending upon the skin type you can plan to buy sunscreen. If you are someone who has dry skin, it would be great to use cream based gel creams, for people with oily skin use gel based sunblock. The alcohol present in these sunblocks can help you reduce the oil.
Hyperpigmentation can cause a lot of damage to the skin, so it’s better to carry sunscreens wherever you are traveling.
While you are busy enjoying your vacation, try to comb your hair daily. Not combing your hair can also lead to hair fall sometimes. Also, at night you can practice tying them and sleeping so that they do not rub against and lead to hair fall.
In order to protect your skin and hair from a lot of damage, it would be great if you can research a bit about the climate there. Researching helps you to pack essentials which are really needed for the trip. It also helps you to save skin, energy and time.
The use of hot water on the skin or face washes away the natural oil. It is also rough on the skin as it opens up the pores making them easy target points for the dust and particles. If the weather is really chilled, you can use lukewarm water for bathing or rinsing the hair. Do not wash your hair everyday as it can hinder the Ph balance of the scalp.
When on a trip, there might be days which are very exhausting. On such days, do not go to bed with makeup on. Try cleaning the makeup with makeup cleaner or face wash. Apply moisturizer or follow the hair care and skin care routine as you would do at home. This will ensure that your skin is not getting damaged.
Try to have minimum makeup things and more skin care and hair care products on your journey.
Be it anyplace on the earth, starting from beaches to luxury vacations, make sure your hair and skin get enough attention dn care from you. If you are someone who hates having marks or breakouts on skin, then cleanse and moisturize your skin properly. So, instead of adding bags of makeup, carry all the skincare needed on your holiday. Also, you can take help from any skin care professionals who can help you with hair care and skin regime.
The best way to pack minimal and important skin care and hair care products is to have multi-tasking and mini products. AT times, there are sample products available at shops, if you want to have mini size products, you can opt for it.
Depending upon your skin type and hair, you can pack your essentials. Make sure that you pack face wash, toner, shampoo, conditioner, sunscreen and moisturizer to any place where you are planning to travel.
It is not mandatory that your skin might be doing well always. As the place and climate changes, there are chances that they might need some time to get adapted. So the skin can have breakouts and issues. Do not get stressed, consult a doctor if possible.
Being hydrated is really important. While traveling you must try that your body is fully hydrated and your skin is not feeling dry. Dryness in the skin or hair can also happen because of less water intake.